Helica are the inventors and manufacturers of the Helica TC, an electrosurgical device commonly known as the Helica.

The Helica TC has been used to carry out over 60,000 operations in the UK, with great success & without a single surgical complication being reported. There are 170 centres throughout the UK who have chosen the Helica TC and having updated their main site (for medical practitioners and hospitals) in 2018, Helica Medical instruments decided to invest in an information and support site for sufferers of endometriosis.

Helica Endometriosis Support was born and the site and social channels aim to provide all sufferers with the most up to date information and supporting materials so they can be diagnosed and treated as early as possible.

Early diagnostic laparoscopy is recommended by the Royal College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology if endometriosis or other surgical problems are suspected. And as the Helica TC can be easily used at the time of the laparoscopy and where endometriosis is present, destroy the causes of pain and increase the chances of pregnancy – it makes sense to do them both at the same time.

If you suspect you have endometriosis, download our free GP pack: here and take it to your GP for further referral.

Our Staff & a selection of hospitals

The Helica Endometriosis Support team are working hard to collate the latest information on endometriosis and to increase the number of hospitals where this treatment is available. We encourage you to download the pack at the link above or get in touch with us to find out where your nearest hospital is.

  • Good Hope Hospital
  • Ealing Hospital
  • Spire Little Aston Hospital
  • Princess Royal Hospital
  • Frimley Park Hospital
  • South Tyneside District Hospital
  • Hull Royal Infirmary
  • Wexham park Hospital
  • Walsall Manor Hospital
  • Kidderminster Hospital
  • Royal Hallamshire Hospital
  • Nottingham treatment centre
  • Kidderminster Hospital
  • Victoria Hospital
  • Wishaw General Hospital
  • Nuffield Health Essex
  • Castle Hill Hospital
  • Croydon University Hospital